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Summon Your Spirit

and become a "Legend" of our Society

 Black Background

You stand at the threshold —
complete your pledge and join the chosen ranks.

Step 1. Complete the "Summon Your Spirit" pact below to pledge your allegiance to our Society.

Step 2. Seal your commitment with payment on the next page.

Step 3. Shoulders Back!



“Summon Your Spirit” Contract

Official Membership Pact of Rare Spirits Society


By signing below, I hereby summon my spirit and willingly join the esteemed ranks of Rare Spirits Society. I agree to forever pledge my spirit to the uncharted world of Rare Rums, boundless adventure, and eternal camaraderie. I am fully aware that I am pledging myself to a journey from Sugarcane to Liquid Gold.


  1. pledge to venture into the unknown, to honor the spirit of exploration & adventure, and to try any Rum at least once.

  2. understand that I am joining the Finest Global Community of Rum Explorers, and that through this perpetual bond of kinship we’re lifting our spirits one sip. at. a. time.

  3. commit to the eternal worship of our Lead Rum Explorer Sir Byron the Goat, who may use ancient tactics to brainwash me and fellow members into believing in ourselves.

  4. seal my spirit within this society and renounce my right to ordinary existence.


Sir Byron's Signature

Sir Byron

Note: This contract is binding in spirit, but not in any actual legal sense. Your spirit remains yours in all practical ways, though we do hope you embrace your destiny with Rare Spirits Society fully and forever.

Shoulders Back!

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